How to Cancel Betterhelp

Before we delve into the process of canceling a Betterhelp subscription, let’s first gain a clear understanding of what Betterhelp is all about. Betterhelp is an online counseling platform that connects users with licensed therapists through virtual sessions. It offers a convenient and flexible way for people to seek mental health support from the comfort of their homes.

Whether you’ve found an alternative solution or simply want to take a break from counseling, we’re here to help you navigate through the cancellation process smoothly. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to cancel your Betterhelp account and address some frequently asked questions along the way.

How to Cancel Betterhelp: Step-by-Step Guide

1. Log in to Your Account

To initiate the cancellation process, begin by logging in to your Betterhelp account using your registered email address and password.

2. Navigate to Account Settings

Once you’re logged in, locate the “Account Settings” option on the dashboard. It’s usually found in the top-right corner of the screen.

3. Click on “Subscription Details”

Under the Account Settings section, you’ll find “Subscription Details.” Click on this option to proceed to the next step.

4. Review Your Subscription

In the Subscription Details section, review the details of your current subscription plan. Make sure to check the expiration date and any remaining sessions.

5. Click on “Cancel Subscription”

To cancel your Betterhelp subscription, click on the “Cancel Subscription” button. This action will prompt the system to ask for some additional information.

6. Provide Cancellation Feedback

Betterhelp values user feedback. When prompted, take a moment to provide your reasons for canceling the subscription. Your input may help them enhance their services.

7. Confirm Cancellation

After providing your feedback, the system will ask you to confirm the cancellation. Double-check your decision and click on the “Confirm Cancellation” button.

8. Receive Confirmation Email

Once the cancellation is confirmed, you’ll receive an email notification confirming the termination of your Betterhelp subscription.

9. Settle Any Outstanding Payments

Before canceling, ensure there are no outstanding payments. Clear any dues to avoid any complications in the cancellation process.

10. Retrieve Important Data

If there is any important data or notes from your counseling sessions that you’d like to keep, make sure to retrieve them before canceling your account.

11. Attend Remaining Sessions

If you have any remaining counseling sessions, consider attending them to make the most of your subscription before it expires.

12. Explore Alternatives

While canceling Betterhelp, consider exploring other mental health resources that align better with your current needs and preferences.

13. Share Your Experience

If you had a positive experience with Betterhelp, consider sharing a review or testimonial to help others seeking counseling services.

14. Seek Support Elsewhere

Remember, it’s essential to prioritize your mental health. If you still require counseling, seek support from alternative sources or local therapists.

15. Reach Out to Customer Support

If you encounter any issues during the cancellation process, don’t hesitate to reach out to Betterhelp’s customer support for assistance.

FAQs about Canceling Betterhelp

Can I pause my Betterhelp subscription instead of canceling it?

Yes, Betterhelp offers the option to pause your subscription temporarily. This feature can be useful if you need a short break but plan to resume counseling later.

Are there any cancellation fees?

No, Betterhelp does not charge any cancellation fees. You can cancel your subscription at any time without incurring additional costs.

Will I receive a refund for unused sessions?

Yes, if you’ve paid for a subscription period and have unused sessions, Betterhelp typically offers prorated refunds for those unused sessions.

Can I reactivate my account after canceling it?

Yes, you can reactivate your Betterhelp account after canceling it. Simply log in with your previous credentials and follow the reactivation process.

How long does it take to process the cancellation?

The cancellation process is usually straightforward and immediate. You should receive a confirmation email shortly after canceling.

Can I change my therapist instead of canceling?

If you feel that you’re not connecting with your current therapist, Betterhelp allows you to switch therapists. Consider this option before proceeding with cancellation.


Canceling a Betterhelp subscription doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following the step-by-step guide provided above, you can easily terminate your account when needed. Remember to explore other counseling options and prioritize your mental well-being during this process.

If you ever require counseling services in the future, Betterhelp will be there to support you. However, if you choose to cancel, take the time to provide valuable feedback to help them improve their platform.

Take charge of your mental health journey and make decisions that align with your needs and preferences. We hope this guide has been helpful in guiding you through the cancellation process. Remember, seeking support for your mental health is a courageous step, and we wish you all the best on your journey to emotional well-being.