How to Cancel F45 Membership

If you’re considering canceling your F45 membership, we understand that circumstances change, and priorities shift. Cancelling a membership can be a daunting task, but fear not! In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of canceling your F45 membership with ease. Whether it’s due to relocation, lifestyle changes, or simply exploring other fitness options, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and find out how to cancel your F45 membership without any hassle!

How to Cancel F45 Membership

Understanding Your Membership Agreement

Before proceeding with the cancellation process, it’s essential to review your membership agreement. Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions, including the cancellation policy. Every membership plan might have different guidelines regarding cancellation, so knowing your rights and responsibilities will prepare you for the process ahead.

Contacting F45 Customer Support

The first step in canceling your F45 membership is to get in touch with their customer support team. You can find their contact information on the official F45 website or the local studio you are a member of. Reach out to them via phone or email, and they will guide you through the cancellation process.

Submitting a Cancellation Request

Once you’ve established contact with the customer support team, you’ll need to submit a formal cancellation request. This can usually be done via email or through a cancellation form available on their website. Make sure to provide all the required information accurately.

Meeting Cancellation Notice Period

Most membership agreements require a notice period for cancellation, which means you need to inform F45 within a specific timeframe before your desired cancellation date. This notice period can vary depending on your membership plan, so make sure to check the details in your agreement.

Clearing Outstanding Dues

Ensure that you clear any outstanding dues or payments before proceeding with the cancellation. F45 may not process your cancellation request if there are pending payments, and this could lead to unnecessary delays.

Confirming the Cancellation

After submitting your cancellation request and fulfilling all necessary requirements, you should receive confirmation from F45 acknowledging the cancellation. Keep this confirmation safe for your records.

Returning Equipment (if applicable)

In some cases, F45 may provide equipment to members as part of their training programs. If you have received any equipment on loan, you may need to return it to the studio upon cancellation. Check with the customer support team to understand the equipment return process.

Receiving Confirmation of Cancellation

Once your cancellation request is processed, you’ll receive a final confirmation from F45. This confirmation should include details such as the effective date of cancellation and any further instructions, if applicable.

Checking for Post-Cancellation Charges

After cancellation, review your bank statements or payment history to ensure that F45 has stopped charging you. If you notice any unexpected charges after the cancellation date, contact customer support immediately to address the issue.

Handling Automatic Payments

If you have set up automatic payments for your F45 membership, make sure to disable them after your cancellation is confirmed. This will prevent any accidental charges in the future.

Retaining Cancellation Documents

Always retain a copy of the cancellation request and confirmation for your records. It’s essential to have these documents as proof of cancellation in case of any discrepancies in the future.

Providing Feedback (Optional)

F45 values its members’ feedback. If you wish to share the reason for your cancellation or provide suggestions for improvement, you can do so voluntarily. Your feedback might help them enhance their services.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I cancel my F45 membership online?

Yes, you can cancel your F45 membership online by submitting a cancellation request through email or their official website. Ensure that you follow the correct procedure and provide all the necessary information for a smooth cancellation process.

Is there a fee for canceling my F45 membership?

The cancellation fee, if any, depends on your membership agreement and the terms and conditions associated with it. Some plans may have a penalty for early termination, while others might not charge any fee.

What is the typical notice period for canceling F45 membership?

The notice period for cancellation varies based on your membership plan and location. It could range from 30 to 60 days, so it’s essential to check your agreement for specific details.

Can I get a refund for the remaining unused membership period?

F45’s refund policy differs for each location and membership type. While some locations may offer prorated refunds for the remaining unused period, others might not provide refunds. Review your agreement or reach out to customer support for clarification.

Can I freeze my F45 membership instead of canceling it?

Yes, some F45 locations allow members to freeze their memberships temporarily. Freezing is an alternative to cancellation and can be useful when you plan to resume your membership later.

Can I transfer my F45 membership to another person?

The transferability of F45 memberships depends on the specific terms and conditions outlined in your agreement. Generally, memberships are non-transferable, but it’s best to check with the customer support team for any exceptions.


Cancelling your F45 membership doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can navigate the process smoothly. Remember to review your membership agreement, fulfill all necessary requirements, and keep essential documents for your records. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to F45’s customer support for assistance. We hope this guide has been helpful in ensuring a stress-free cancellation process for you.