How to Cancel Pura Subscription

If you’re reading this article, you might be considering canceling your Pura subscription. Whether you’ve found an alternative, completed your desired usage, or simply need a break, ending your subscription should be a straightforward process. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through every step of the cancellation process, ensuring that you can confidently discontinue your subscription without any hassles. Let’s get started!

How to Cancel Pura Subscription

In this section, we’ll dive into the various methods you can use to cancel your Pura subscription. It’s crucial to follow the steps carefully to avoid any unnecessary charges or difficulties in the process.

1. Cancelling through the Website

Cancelling your Pura subscription through their website is one of the easiest methods. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Log in to your Pura account using your registered email and password.
  2. Navigate to the “Subscription” section in your account settings.
  3. Look for the option “Cancel Subscription” and click on it.
  4. Pura may ask for a reason for your cancellation to improve their services. Choose an appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
  5. Confirm the cancellation and follow any additional instructions provided by Pura.

2. Cancel via Customer Support

If you encounter any issues while trying to cancel your subscription through the website, or if you prefer speaking to a representative, contacting Pura’s customer support is an excellent option. Follow these steps:

  1. Gather all the necessary information about your account, such as your account details and subscription plan.
  2. Call Pura’s customer support hotline: [Insert Pura’s customer support number].
  3. Explain to the representative that you wish to cancel your subscription and provide them with the required account information.
  4. The customer support agent will guide you through the cancellation process and may ask for your feedback.

3. Send an Email Request

Another option to cancel your Pura subscription is by sending an email request. While it may take longer than other methods, it allows you to maintain a written record of your request. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Compose a clear and concise email stating your intention to cancel the subscription.
  2. Address the email to Pura’s customer support at [Insert Pura’s support email].
  3. Include your account details and subscription plan in the email for verification purposes.
  4. Request a confirmation email from Pura once they process your cancellation.

4. Chat Support for Cancellation

Some companies, including Pura, offer live chat support for account-related queries, including cancellations. Follow these steps to cancel via live chat:

  1. Access Pura’s official website and look for the live chat support option.
  2. Initiate the chat and provide the required information to the support agent.
  3. Clearly state that you want to cancel your subscription and follow their instructions.

5. App-based Cancellation

If you subscribed to Pura’s services through a mobile app, you might be able to cancel directly from the app. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Pura app on your device and log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to the “Subscription” or “Account Settings” section.
  3. Look for the “Cancel Subscription” option and tap on it.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the cancellation process.

6. Cancellation via Social Media

Some companies have customer support on social media platforms, and Pura might be one of them. To cancel through social media, follow these steps:

  1. Find Pura’s official social media accounts.
  2. Send them a direct message or comment on their posts, expressing your desire to cancel.
  3. Wait for their response and follow any instructions they provide.

FAQs About Cancelling Pura Subscription

Here are some frequently asked questions about canceling your Pura subscription along with their answers:

1. Can I cancel my Pura subscription at any time?

Yes, you have the freedom to cancel your Pura subscription whenever you choose. Whether you want to cancel immediately or after your current billing period, the choice is yours.

2. Will I receive a refund after canceling my subscription?

Pura typically does not offer refunds for the remaining days of your subscription period. However, if you encounter any issues or have concerns, it’s best to reach out to their customer support for clarification.

3. Can I reactivate my Pura subscription after canceling?

Absolutely! If you change your mind, you can reactivate your Pura subscription at any time. Simply log in to your account and follow the instructions to reactivate.

4. What happens to my Pura products after canceling my subscription?

Once you cancel your subscription, you will not receive any more shipments. However, you can still enjoy the products you have received until that point.

5. Are there any hidden fees associated with canceling Pura subscription?

No, Pura does not impose any hidden fees for canceling your subscription. The process is transparent, and you will only be charged for the applicable subscription period.

6. Can I change my subscription plan instead of canceling?

Certainly! If you wish to modify your subscription plan instead of canceling, log in to your Pura account and navigate to the “Subscription” section. From there, you can make the necessary changes.


Canceling your Pura subscription should not be a daunting task. With the guidance provided in this article, you can navigate through the process with ease. Whether you decide to cancel through the website, customer support, email, or any other method, remember to follow the outlined steps to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Before canceling, consider reaching out to Pura’s customer support if you have any questions or concerns. Always remember that you have the flexibility to reactivate your subscription in the future if you choose to do so.

So, if you’re ready to part ways with Pura, follow the appropriate steps, bid farewell to your subscription, and embrace new possibilities.